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Reconstructing Sense of Self After Brain Injury
Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado Conference 2022

Prior Presentations Without Video:

  • Golub, N., Lyman, H., Gorgens, K., Davidson, B., Mapoles, S., Osherow, E., & Pierro, H. (2022). Preseason performance differences between youth with and without a concussion history on a computerized neuropsychological assessment measure. 2022 Association of Applied Sport Psychology Conference, AASP 2022.

  • Mapoles, S., Lyman, H., Le, K., Osherow, E., Matson, J., Golub, N., & Gorgens, K. (2021). Mechanisms of injury differ for justice-involved persons reporting a history of brain injury. Poster presentation at Front Range Neuroscience Group, Fort Collins, Colorado.

  • Lyman, K. H., Kantor, C., Martin, D., Pontius, M., Kane, B., Tatum, K., & Gorgens, K. (2022) Women with Brain Injury in Criminal Justice: Differences in Comorbidities. Poster presentation at the American Psycho logy-Law Society Conference, Denver, CO.

  • Golub, N., Lyman, K. H., Mapoles, S., Le, K., Osherow, E., & Gorgens, K. (2022) Comorbidities of violence exposure and brain injury in a juvenile justice involved population. Poster presentation at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Denver, CO.

  • Lyman, K. H., & Valdez, L. (2022) Understanding and reconstructing sense of self after brain injury. Oral presentation at the Division 22 Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Louisville, KY.

  • Osherow, E., Mapoles, S., Lyman, H., Le, K.,.Golub, N., Gorgens, K. “Mechanisms of Significant Traumatic Brain Injury.” Rehabilitation Psychology Conference (Division 22 of the American Psychological Association). August 4-6, 2022. Minneapolis, MN.

  • Gorgens, K., Lyman, K. H., & Kantor, K. (2022) Women with Brain Injury in Criminal Justice: Differences in Comorbidities. Poster presentation at the Division 22 Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Louisville, KY. -Runner-up prize for best poster from the Women’s Section

  • Golub, N., Lyman, H., & Gorgens, K. (2021) Psychosocial Comorbidities of Sport-Related TBI: Assessing History in Juvenile Justice. Poster presentation at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology 36th Annual Conference, Virtual.

  • Lyman, K. H. (2021) How Much is a Life Worth? Medical Rationing, Persons who are Trans'^, and Persons with Disabilities. Virtual live presentation at HerDU, Denver, CO.

  • Rivera, K. M., Lyman, H., Hoffman, M., Scott, S., Rozek, C. S., & Doom, J. R

  • Rivera, K., Hoffman, M., Lyman. H. Qualitative analysis of adolescent social life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented at the biennial meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Virtual.

  • Wyatt, O., Novak, M., Lyman, H., Stem, D., & Gorgens, K. (2019, October). Revisiting the prevalence of sport-related traumatic brain injuries in the criminal justice system. Poster presented at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology 34th Annual Conference, Portland, OR.

  • 13. Standeven, M., Lyman, K. H., Goodman, E., Murphy, A., Gorgens, K., Dettmer, J., Meyer, L., Knauer, R., & Horsfall, J. (2019, May) Reducing Recidivism for Justice-Involved Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury: Determining the Efficacy of a Screening, Identification, and Referral Model. Poster presented at University of Denver Research Showcase, Denver, CO.

  • Lyman, K. H. (2019) Trauma in Sport. Presentation at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Southwest Regional Conference, Denver, CO.

  • Wyatt, O., Lyman, K. H., White, J. M., Granholm, A. C., Davidson, B., Ledreux, A., Shelburne, K., Pryhoda, M., Gihnore, A., Oduleye, N., Mackenzie, M., King, H., Regan, C. & Webb, T. (2018, December). A model study of multifactor concussion assessment. Poster presented at the 16th annual meeting of the Front Range Neuroscience Group, Fort Collins, CO.

  • Webb, T., Granholm, A. C., Gorgens, K., Ledreux, A., Shelburne, K., Pryhoda, M., Gilmore, A., Wyatt, O. R., Oduleye, N., Mackenzie, M., King, H., Lyman, K. H, White, J. M.,Regan, C., & Davidson, B. (2018, December). Clinical Balance Testing for the Sensitivity of Concussion History in Division One Athletes. Poster presented at the 16th annual meeting of the Front Range Neuroscience Group, Fort Collins, CO.

  • Regan, C., Granholm, A. C., Gorgens, K., Ledreux, A., Shelburne, K., Pryhoda, M., Gilmore, A.,Wyatt, O. R., Oduleye, N., Mackenzie, M., King, H., Lyman, K, H., White, J. M., Webb, T., & Davidson, B. (2018, December). Biomedical balance measurement and vestibular- ocular system sensitivity to acute concussion. Poster presented at the 16th annual meeting of the Front Range Neuroscience Group, Fort Collins, CO.

  • Gilmore, A., Davidson, B., Gorgens, K., Ledreux, A., Shelburne, K., Pryhoda, M., Wyatt, O. R., Oduleye, N., Mackenzie, M., King, H., Lyman, K. H., White, J. M., Regan, C., Webb, T., & Granholm, A. C. (2018, December). Plasma and neuron-derived exosome biomarker levels in athletes with acute mTBI and chronic mTBT Poster presented at the 16th annual meeting of the Front Range Neuroscience Group, Fort Collins, CO.

  • Lyman, K. H., & Bracy, A. (2018) Women in Ultra Running. Presentation at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Southwest Regional Conference, Denver, CO.

  • Bishop, B., Lyman, K. H., Pasquarello, N., & Wang, T. (2011) Effects of Power and Status on Punishment Severity. Poster presented at the 24th Convention for Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.

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